July Social Blog

Blog Life At Data Intellect 31 Jul 2024

Data Intellect

Welcome back to our monthly blog on life at Data Intellect, where we bring you the latest regional updates on social activities in the company. Each month, we’ll dive into our regular outings, social clubs, quarterly team challenges, community/charity events and much more!


Free Friday Drinks

Every 2nd Friday of the month, the drinks are on DI as part of our monthly Free Friday Drinks session. This month, we had another glorious sunny evening in The National's beer garden.

Taking the Stage

Our craft event this month ventured into new territory, a theatrical drink and draw event! Yes, we tried our hand at life drawing, taking turns to model a bewildering array of hats and props!

After securing the necessary art materials, drinks, snacks and foolish costumery, the stage was set. Through the evening, we launched into a series of short and long drawing exercises all aimed at silliness, challenges and having fun!

A big thank you to everyone who came and made this craft event super special, check out some of the fabulous art (and modelling) below!

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After a lovely lunchtime talk from our very own Olympian Steve Turner, we had a successful after work Olympic Games on the 23rd of July, with teams facing off in the shotput, discus, archery, fencing and relay race.

The shot put put Nicaragua in the lead with Jude Reilly taking home two Gold Medals and a Bronze each for Paul McVicker and Adam Stewart, whilst Lithuania was chasing in second place with two silvers for Caitlin Mcilwaine. Next up was the relay race which saw Nicaragua clear a Gold medal for their country. The discus (throwing rings onto an inflatable ring toss toy) had everyone stumped for a while, as the bunny was a hard target to catch, but Jude managed it and achieved yet another Gold medal for his home country.

The fencing face-offs saw Lithuania’s Mollie Brown and Sharon Gilmore receive Gold and Bronze Medals respectively with Nicaraguan Jack McDonough getting his first Silver Medal.

The rubber band archery was the closing game of the evening and, although it was harder than expected, Nicaragua came away with a Gold and a Silver, for Jack and Emma Goodwin respectively and Sarah McLean of Lithuania got her first medal of the day, Bronze.

Congratulations to the winning team, Nicaragua


Congratulations to the winning team, Nicaragua

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... and the runner's up Lithuania

Pride Quiz

We love a quiz (who doesn't, to be fair) and now it's time to get quizzical, with the most colourful quiz of the year!

Belfast Pride is held between 19th-27th July, and during that week we like to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in our own way here at DI.

On the 25th July we held our annual Pride Quiz in the Belfast Office to great success, with drinks, craic, snacks and cheesy anthems aplenty!

The winning team was Calum and the Scissor Sisters who came out on top of a hotly contested competition - well done!

Big thanks to Rebecca and Paul for organising the quiz and having the office decked out so brilliantly.

The fun didn't stop with the quiz: keep scrolling to read about even more Pride events!

Pride bake sale

Cake and Charity go well together, like bananas and toffee, chocolate and vanilla buttercream, lemons and blueberries, espresso and almonds... I could go on but I'm just making myself hungry.

We hosted a Pride themed Bake Sale in the Belfast office on 17th July, with all money donated going to The Rainbow Project in NI. There was also a sweet surprise with a free ice cream truck parked outside the office doors!

Thank you to everyone who brought in some sweet and colourful treats, and to everyone that donated. We managed to raise over £100 for The Rainbow Project.

That's all folks!

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Stay tuned for next month’s social blog!
If you're not ready for the blog to end yet, here are the results for the company wide poll of the best Shrek movie, because I've never seen poll answers more correct and I think they need to be shared.

Follow our social channels for more updates on life at Data Intellect. Ciao!


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