We recognise that we have a responsibility to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking from existing in both our business and our supply chain. Whilst we believe that both our business and the industry sector in which we operate are relatively low risk in this regard, our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is a reflection of this responsibility and it sets out our commitment to developing and implementing business practices which ensure that we do not allow modern slavery and human trafficking to take place.
Data Intellect Ltd was founded in 2011 and, as at our most recent financial year end in July 2016, we employ people in our head office Belfast and across client sites in London and New Jersey. Data Intellect Limited is a provider of specialist data management, data analytics and data mining services to clients operating within the capital markets and other sectors. Our domain knowledge, combined with advanced analytical techniques and expertise in best-of-breed technologies, helps our clients get the most out of their data.
We have clear employment policies and processes in place, failure to comply with which can result in disciplinary action against our employees. This can include immediate suspension or termination of their employment. We also have a whistle blowing policy in place, which encourages our employees to report any wrongdoing in our business including those related to modern slavery or human trafficking. If we receive any reports relating to these matters they will be fully investigated and appropriate actions taken. We expect our suppliers such a cleaning contracting company to have appropriate antislavery and human trafficking policies and processes and have communicated to our key suppliers that we have zero tolerance in regard to these matters. We will be carrying out a risk assessment of our key suppliers and will address any areas of concern with them. We plan to update this risk assessment on an annual basis.
To ensure an understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we plan to provide training to relevant members of our team who are involved in procurement and supplier management processes. All members of our senior management team have been briefed on the subject. This statement was approved by the Board on 10th July 2017, is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Data Intellect Limited’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year. This statement will be reviewed on an annual basis.