Jonathon McMurray
We are very excited to announce release v3.0.0 of TorQ, our kdb+ production framework!
There are a number of exciting new features added in this release. For starters, we have updated our documentation to an easy to navigate new website: – here you’ll find information about all the functionality of TorQ, without having to wade through a massive PDF file.
We’ve also added a number of tools for managing permissions on your TorQ-based databases. As discussed in a previous blog post, we have added a permission framework, that allows high granularity control over user access to the database. This includes functionality to limit access to certain processes to certain users, limit access to variables and functions to groups of users, limit the parameters certain groups can use on functions, restrict access to full tables via virtual tables and more. Using these tools, it is possible to have extremely high precision control over your data.
In addition to this, we have added support for LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). This allows users to authenticate against an LDAP server, as well as caching connection attempts to allow re-authentication without using the LDAP server if within a certain time, and blocking users if too many failing connection attempts are made. And of course, this all integrates with the permissions framework!
Documentation is included on our fancy new documentation website for both permissions and LDAP.
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