Stephen Barr
We need an effective method of thinking about the processes by which market data feeds deliver data. What are some of the features of this data? More specifically, if we only care about the time distribution, what does that look like?
The model we’ll use for this process is a Poisson process. What do they look like? Poisson processes are effectively timed randomness. For a given rate of occurrence, a Possion distribution tells us how likely we are to see a certain amount of events in a time window. Examples of Poisson processes include people visiting websites, radionuclear decay (how many atoms decide to decay in a given time window), and rain drops falling into a bucket. Each of these has a “rate” – say, number of raindrops per second. The distribution will simply tell us that if we have a rate of 10 drops per second, how likely it is in an interval of 5 seconds to see 0, 1, 2, 3,.. etc events. Poisson processes have events which are:
If we don’t distinguish between a batch of data and a single row of data (i.e. only look at distinct time stamps) this trade data becomes a pretty close match to the Poisson description. Importantly this model gives us a way of thinking about the timing of events, and specifically how likely a time gap is between successive events.
The distribution itself is useful, but for this exercise we can jump straight to the most useful result – the probability that, given a certain rate of messages, you’ll have to wait more than a certain length of time.
The goal here is to determine if the exponential model above describes the data well, but first some more tidying and filtering. On top of the raw data above, we’ve added TimeMin (the time to the nearest minute of the day), TimeInt (time as a nanosecond integer) and TimeDiff (nanosecond differences), all for convenience. We only care about determining if data is stale, and we want to avoid counting “batches” that arrive together, so let’s filter for both of these by restricting ourselves, in a given window, to time differences in the 95th percentile and above. We care more about the outliers than the “standard” picture when determining if data is stale. Some degree of late arrival (or long delay) is expected, and we only want to identify the data state as stale if the current time delay is an outlier even among outliers.
The next processing step is to filter the data into bins. By effectively building a histogram, we can get a picture of the average probability of a wait of at least a certain threshold. After binning, we can normalise the data – we know that we have to wait at least as long as the smallest bucket by definition, so the probability for it should be 1. With this done, we can finally fit the exponential relationship above, and see if it accurately describes the relationship between data timings.
#get the time diffs for 13:15
timediffs = tradep.filter(pl.col('TimeMin')==13*60+15).collect()['TimeDiff']
#keep only the top 5%
timediffs = timediffs.filter(timediffs>timediffs.quantile(0.95))
#break into 50 buckets and count
width = (timediffs.max()-timediffs.min())//50
cdf = (timediffs//width*width).value_counts()
cdf = cdf.sort('TimeDiff').with_columns(pl.col('counts')/pl.col('counts').max()) #normalise
# fit exponential
expfit = np.polyfit(cdf[cdf.columns[0]],
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(cdf['TimeDiff']/1e6, cdf['counts'])
ax.plot(cdf['TimeDiff']/1e6, np.exp(expfit[0]*(cdf['TimeDiff']))*np.exp(expfit[1]),'r')
plt.xlabel('Time between events (ms)')
plt.ylabel('Wait probability')
With the model in hand and seemingly very applicable, identifying stale data then becomes a matter of applying sensible probabilities. There are 7 million messages a day, 100-150k per minute during market open (more in the closing minutes). How can we safely say data is stale? We have to be careful – simply setting 99% confidence will give us lots of false positives. In reality, this is a balancing act between reliability and minimal noise. A feed as busy as NYSE trade allows us some headroom, too. We can probably stick with 1-in-a-billion as our alert threshold – we’d expect this to naturally occur, if well trained and modelled, once every few years. Monitoring the data feed, and checking how long it’s been since the last message with this probability as our threshold, we’d generate an alert 42 milliseconds after our last message. In the case of the NYSE example above, this is practically instant notification that something is wrong for most use-cases. In the example at the top of this page, NYSE switched to their backup system after 27 minutes. With an automated system calibrated on a model like this, that could have been as short as milliseconds.
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