AquaQ London Summer Event – 15 Q 1

Blog kdb+ 6 Jun 2016

Data Intellect

AquaQ Analytics is pleased to invite everyone in the kdb+ community to our London Summer Event.  The date is set for 28th June 2016 in The Drift Bar:

AquaQ Event at Driftbar London


There will be two short presentations followed by a quiz.  The presentations are:

  • Knowing Me, Knowing MiFID ii, presented by Geraldine Gibson, CEO of AQMetrics
  • The Joy of Text: kdb+ and MongoDB, presented by Jamie Grant, Director of AquaQ Analytics

The team quiz will be based on 15-to-1 (cleverly renamed to 15-Q-1 as we like to build q into everything we do).  The quiz will test your General Knowledge and kdb+ skills, and we promise we will try to make it as little like a job interview as possible.  We are looking for teams of four-ish from each institution to take part.  Members of the winning team will receive:

  • a Supercar Track Day- one for each participant
  • 6 months Enterprise wide access to AquaQ’s Online Training for their organisation
  • lots and lots of kudos

There will also be spot prizes and plenty of food and drink. The format will be:

  • 18:00: Registration and welcome drinks
  • 18:30: Talks
  • 19:30: 15-Q-1 hosted by Jonny Press

Everyone is welcome, whether taking part in the quiz or not, but places are limited.  If you would like to join us please RSVP to including your name and the organisation you work for.  If you wish to enter a team in the quiz please include the other members of your team and team name in the RSVP.

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