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Jonny Press
Date partitioning is the usual model used in kdb+ historical (on-disk) databases. We believe that for some setups other options should be considered. This is particularly prevalent for cloud-based deployments such as those running under Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights, where moving data quickly to longer term storage leads to greater scalability and reduced complexity.
Design choices should be based on use cases. In the kdb+ domain there are two use cases that dominate:
(1) usually requires access to historic (T+1) data only.
(2) can be further sub-divided:
If we consider different database structures, can we change how we approach these use cases?
More granular partitioning could be done on a fixed period (such as an hour) or arbitrarily. Both have pros and cons.
The database must be integer partitioned. In the same way that a date partition works, the integer should represent the lower bound of the time period it contains. We could use the integer representation of the timestamp type, which would give us the ability to partition data with full granularity:
However this would mean that we can’t have partitions for data prior to 2000, as kdb+ represents these with negative numbers which would cause issues with file system representation. Instead we could pick something human-readable, or a different integer time mapping, such as minutes from the Unix epoch.
In a similar way that date partitioning assumes one day of data per partitions, if we chose to have a fixed time period for each partition then the partitioning is explicit and it’s easy for all external users or applications to determine which partitions are to be accessed for the query they require. If we have variable sized partitions then it must be determined from within the database itself (or better – via a data access API) which partitions are to be accessed. Variable size partitions bring an extra level of customisability, for example rolling partitions more frequently during high volume periods to maintain similar size datasets per partition and therefore in-memory.
On the plus side, you don’t have to re-shuffle the data into more granular partitions, you can just rename the partitions with an appropriate lower bounded time scheme. Once the renaming is done, you can start adding data in the more granular fashion. You will however have to re-write queries. It won’t be such a big job if all data is accessed via an API!
Some examples showing query equivalence:
// example date partitioned database
2025.01.01 2025.01.02 2025.01.03 2025.01.04 2025.01.05
q)select count i by sym from t
sym| x
---| --
a | 48
b | 43
c | 43
q)select count i by date from t
date | x
----------| --
2025.01.01| 28
2025.01.02| 27
2025.01.03| 29
2025.01.04| 29
2025.01.05| 21
// reconstruct the database into int partitions
28928160 28929600 28931040 28932480 28933920
// util functions for mapping between int partitions and timestamps
q)tstomin:{`int$(x - 1970.01.01D)%0D00:01}
q)select count i by sym from t
sym| x
---| --
a | 48
b | 43
c | 43
q)select count i by date:`date$mintots[last int] from t
date | x
----------| --
2025.01.01| 28
2025.01.02| 27
2025.01.03| 29
2025.01.04| 29
2025.01.05| 21
// split the last day of data into two partitions to check aggregations still work as expected
28928160 28929600 28931040 28932480 28933920 28934640
q)mintots -2#int
2025.01.05D00:00:00.000000000 2025.01.05D12:00:00.000000000
q)select count i by date:`date$mintots[last int] from t
date | x
----------| --
2025.01.01| 28
2025.01.02| 27
2025.01.03| 29
2025.01.04| 29
2025.01.05| 21
If we consider moving to a more granular time partition, how could it impact the use cases listed at the start?
It improves the research use case. Data is available in a more timely manner.
For real time analytics, it depends. Mission critical use cases stay the same, with dedicated processes still required. Adhoc investigations and reporting applications may be simplified due to having to access data from less places, or in the best case may become purely historic data problems given that the historic data is now more recent.
More granular time based partition may reduce both system complexity and resource requirements. Complexity is reduced due to fewer processes with less coordination required between them. It is possible to retrofit into existing systems (we’ve done it previously). It should be a consideration for greenfield installations, particularly those running under Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights, as it is easy to scale access to the historic database component. The Segmented Tickerplant in TorQ facilitates easy rolling of data on any time period. And we are always willing to help with our Architecture Review service!
For some nitty-gritty detail on hourly partitioning, this paper has some excellent examples. It introduces the concept of “de-fragmenting” the database which might be useful for old datasets. There are also some good thoughts here.
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