AquaQ Summer Event & Free Workshops

Blog kdb+ 4 May 2018

Jamie Grant

We’ve made it a tradition to have a bit of a party in the summer.  This year we are doing it a bit early because the winter was grim, and we would rather spend June and July watching the World Cup.

So the date is set – Thursday 31st May 2018.

We will also be running two free workshops, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Places are limited for the workshops and party, so please RSVP ASAP!

Visualising kdb+ data via Datawatch Panopticon Workshop: 9.30AM to 12.00PM

An informal workshop led by Andrew Barrow of AquaQ. In this session you will learn about Panopticon best practices with kdb+ data source / kdb+ tick. Andrew will demonstrate ease of integration with the  TorQ open-source framework with some real-world examples. Finally Darren Abel from AquaQ will describe integration of Datawatch Panopticon workbooks into HTML5 web-applications (with Angular / React) and options available in this area.

AquaQ Jupyter Logokdb+ Quant Queries with Jupyter Notebooks: 2.00PM to 5:30PM

A hands on workshop led by Matt Doherty and Jonny Press of AquaQ.  It is aimed at Quants, Traders and Developers who want to learn how best to retrieve and analyse kdb+ datasets.  We will also show examples of interfacing kdb+ with Jupyter Notebooks using PyQ, which in combination provided a cutting edge toolset for data analysis. Attendees will be required to bring a laptop and do some set up in advance (we’ll let you know what you need to do!)

*Note – Some browser settings will block, alternatively please RSVP email

Party Time: 6:30PM on…

This year we are keeping it simple: drinks and a casino!

Workshops Venue: 

IoD Hub
35 New Broad St

Party Venue:

The Otherist
111 Old Broad St

*Note – Some browser settings will block, alternatively please RSVP email

AquaQ Blackjack Poker Event

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